
Monday, December 31, 2018

One Little Word 2019

2019 word of the year is grow

It's that time of the year again. . .time to select a guiding word for the upcoming year. If you've been around the blog for a while, you may know that I have been a follower of this practice since way back in 2008.

Yes, ten years ago, I selected one little word, with inspiration from Ali Edwards. Every fall since then, a word has whispered at my subconscious. Last year's word was "believe." If asked, I will tell you that I am a terrible goal-setter. It isn't that I don't have goals - I do. It's that the act of writing them down and putting them into words terrifies me.

That seems silly, doesn't it? What's the big deal? Goal: I want to lose 10 pounds. Goal: I want to plan menus every week. See, I can actually do it. But those aren't my "real" goals. . .or maybe they are. Perhaps this is one of those things that I make WAY harder than it really needs to be. For that reason, I choose the One Little Word philosophy over the goal-setting, resolution-making philosophy.

My One Little Word for 2019 is grow

My word for 2019 is: grow.

A strange choice perhaps. I'm not 100% sold on it yet, which sometimes happens with a word. In ten years, there have been words that prompted me to make big leaps and other words that just sort of sat on the sidelines. That's the thing with words, we aren't quite sure how or if they will inspire us as time goes on. But for me, it's a starting point.

So this week between Christmas and New Year's, as I have sat with my shiny new planner and blank calendar, I have pondered the word "grow" and what it's meaning in my life will be for the year ahead. My vision casting is growing a happy and healthy family. That doesn't mean adding to our number of members (unless you count a cat perhaps), but rather our relationship as a unit.

I plan to grow my business as an essential oil educator and wellness advocate. This means adding more families to the ever-growing number of families around the globe discovering that they can sleep better, feel better and be better.

Most of all, I want to grow me (not so much the outside - I'd like to shrink that of course). I have always had a feeling that I was meant for something "bigger." I know that sounds a bit "much," but after I spent the past year focusing (also a one little word of the past) on believing (last year's one little word) in myself, I know it to be true. This year, I am setting a course to "grow" into whatever that something bigger may be.

I'm a little scared and a little excited. Which if you think about it, is the perfect way to embark on a brand new year.

Do you have a word for 2019? If so, please share it in the comments!

catch you soon -

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