
Monday, August 14, 2017

Weekly Family Meal Plan 2017 Week 33

Weekly Family Meal Plan 2017 Week 33

Oh hello there meal planners - welcome back to another week of planning and menu ideas for your family.

Summer is winding down around here. With the move, it's been an especially busy one, with less "family time" activities than I would like.  But since the kids are older, we were able to experience packing up our old house and settling into our new house together, which can be a surprisingly great way to spend time together as a family.

The kids are finishing up their summer packets, camp is coming to an end for my youngest and backpacks have been ordered. The start of school is right around the corner. But we still have three full weeks of summer vacation to enjoy, so we intend to make the most of it!

Here's what we have planned for this week:

Monday - BBQ Ribs and Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Corn
Tuesday - Roasted Lemon Chicken, Roasted Potatoes and Broccoli
Wednesday - Summer Camp Family Fling
Thursday - Homemade Chicken Finders and Cesar Salad
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday - Family Lunch/Dinner Out
Sunday -YOYO (You're On Your Own)

What do you have planned for dinner this week? Share your ideas here in the comments, or join us over on Facebook, to talk all things meal planning!

For more weekly meal plan ideas check out:
Meal Planning 2017 - Week 32
Meal Planning 2017 - Week 31
Meal Planning 2017 - Week 27

catch you soon -
This post is linked up to I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

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