
Monday, April 24, 2017

Family Weekly Meal Plan 2017 - Week 17

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas sharing real food for real families. Save time and money by planning easy menus for your family.

Happy Monday meal planners! I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was filled with kid activities as usual, with our oldest off to a Youth and Government conference for the weekend and our youngest with a lacrosse game in the cold rain on Saturday.  Getting Monday off to a good, strong start seems even more of a challenge when you've had a busy weekend, doesn't it?

I know I didn't do a good job of planning or shopping this weekend, and our weekly meal plan suffers for it. In addition, we have four lacrosse games and five practices this week. So while it may be early Monday morning now, I am already looking forward to Friday! There are a lot of moving parts this week (my favorite new phrase), so I tried to keep my meal planning easy and fluid.

I know there's only a few more weeks of crazy before we get into the lazier and longer days of summer, and I for one can't wait! In the meantime, here's what we have planned for this week:

Monday - Leftover Buffet
Tuesday - Soup and Sandwiches
Wednesday - LAX Team Dinner (I'm helping out so both kids get to eat)
Thursday - Breakfast for dinner, probably pancakes
Friday - Family pizza and a movie night
Saturday - Family Dinner Out
Sunday -Fettuccine and Meatballs, Garlic Bread and Salad

What do you have planned for dinner this week? Share your ideas here in the comments, or join us over on Facebook, to talk all things meal planning!

For more weekly meal plan ideas check out:
Meal Planning 2017 - Week 16
Meal Planning 2017 - Week 15
Meal Planning 2017 - Week 14

catch you soon -
This post is linked up to I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

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