
Monday, February 13, 2017

Weekly Family Meal Plan 2017 - Week 7

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas sharing real food for real families. Save time and money by planning easy menus for your family.

Happy Monday meal planners! It's been quite a week around here and I am definitely off my game. Last week, my oldest son lost a friend and teammate suddenly. It was his first experience with the death of someone close to him, that he was old enough to understand. As a mom, seeing her worst nightmare come to life for a loving and wonderful family, as well as her own child struggle with the anxiety and feelings of loss, it's been a week.

But that's one of the beauties of the meal plan . . .even in times of stress, minute-by-minute changing schedules and heartbreak, you're prepared. I had planned and shopped and we ate. We moved a few things around (like the pork tenderloin finally making an appearance this week), and decided on easier items we had on-hand a night or two. But because we had a plan in place, these substitutions were easier.

In this week's plan, I had to take into consideration Valentine's Day, My Birthday and three meetings on the same night as well as an all-day school trip for my teenager. Our busy family lives are never-ending, but the meal plan goes on, and here's what we have planned for this week:

Monday - Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Potatoes and Carrots (carried over from last week)
Tuesday - Happy Valentine's Day - Heart-Shaped Pancakes and Bacon
Wednesday - Unknown - it's my Birthday, but I have three meetings!
Thursday - Tortellini Soup, Salad and Bread
Friday - Pizza Night - Homemade Margherita Pizzas
Saturday - Family Dinner Out
Sunday -Dinner with my Parents (Yeah, someone else cooks!)

Weekly Meal Plan: Real Food for Real Families

What do you have planned for dinner this week? Share your ideas here in the comments, or join us over on Facebook, to talk all things meal planning!

For more weekly meal plan ideas check out:
Meal Planning 2017 - Week 6
Meal Planning 2017 - Week 5
Meal Planning 2017 - Week 4

catch you soon -
This post is linked up to I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

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