
Sunday, January 01, 2017

One Little Word - 2017

The process of selecting one little word to represent your growth and development throughout the year.

Happy New Year everyone!

If you've been a blog reader for a while, you may know that since 2008, I've been participating in the One Little Word project. This project involves selecting one word for the year, and attempting to weave that one little word into your daily life. The project can take many forms, from scrapbooking to journaling to calendar keeping to simply being mindful of your word and its role in your life.

Typically, my word comes to me sometime in October or November . . .if I listen carefully, it starts to creep in in various ways. For instance, I may see it in a quote, or someone may mention it, or I may read it somewhere. The word itself will leap off the page into my head, announcing its intention to become my One Little Word for the next year.

This year, I'm choosing the word enough is my one little word.

I've been doing this since 2008 (that's a long time) thanks to the influence of Ali Edwards. I love her spirit and her style, and this has just stuck with me. My past words include:
  • be
  • joy 
  • journey
  • focus
  • create
  • soar
  • gratitude
  • harmony
  • simplify
Each of these words has had a profound impact on my life, as I look inside myself to see what the word truly means in my life. These words have a way of sticking with you from one year into the next, never truly leaving your soul, just sliding back to make way for the newest word. 

What's your word of the year for 2017? Leave a comment with your word, and then pop over to Facebook, and join the discussion of our One Little Words for 2017.

For more One Little Word Inspiration, check out these posts:

What the One Little Word Project is all about
OLW 2015 - Joy
OLW 2013 - Focus

catch you soon -

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