
Thursday, December 15, 2016

How to Avoid Holiday Hazards for Your Pets

While the holidays are typically a joyful time, they can be stressful for pets these tips can help you manage holiday hazards for your pets.

This post is sponsored by Royal Canin. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Royal Canin’s veterinary-exclusive gastrointestinal diet, but all opinions are my own. Royal Canin is not responsible for the content of this article.

The holidays are coming. While it is an exciting and magical time of the year, it can also be riddled with hazards for our pets.  In fact, according to a recent Veterinary Pet Insurance Company’s report, upset stomach and diarrhea rank among the top 10 reasons owners go to the vet with their pets. I don’t know about you, but that most definitely does not put me in the holiday spirit!

I was fortunate to have a variety of pets growing up. My children are much less fortunate, much to their chagrin.  I had a few dogs, plenty of cats, a rabbit, a myriad of small furry creatures and the occasional rescued turtle. The most I’ve had as an adult are my cats (unless you count our Carnival Goldfish, who is going on 2 years old now).

Taking care of pets is a big responsibility. They can be our best friends, the comfort we turn to in times of woe and a great distractor when we don’t want to adult. But they can’t always think for themselves and make choices to keep themselves healthy and safe. That’s where we come in as pet parents, to ensure a high level of holiday pet safety.

So before the holidays really get underway, take some time to learn about potentially hazardous situations for your pets, so that you can keep them safe and healthy right through the new year!  
Pets that are exposed to stressful situations, such as boarding at a kennel, traveling to stay with the pet owner’s family, or introduced to several house guests, may develop digestive issues

A big tip to remember is to keep holiday foods that are hazardous to pets, out of reach. What are some toxic pet foods for our four-legged friends? advises against the following:

·      Chocolate
·      Macadamia and other nuts
·      Raw dough (If it’s cookie dough, you can save that for me!)
·      Onions and garlic
·      Alcohol
·      Artificial sweeteners and foods that contain them

My kids and I crave routine, but did you know that an irregular routine around the holidays can cause pet stress for your pet?  Houseguests, different routines, late nights, travel and boarding can all be stress triggers. What does a stressed-pet look like? Well, pet owners should be wary of stress symptoms, such as a poor appetite or vomiting.

What can you do if you suspect your pet is stressed? Well you can start by moving your  pet to a comfortable environment and a space that they know as their own. Reduce the amount of stimulus and noise and use a calming voice with your pet. Call your veterinarian to determine if your pet is exhibiting any signs of gastrointestinal issues and if so, discuss the best course of action.

Guests may not realize that your dog or cat shouldn’t eat table scraps or that they should keep their appetizer plate out of the pet’s reach
Just like when my kids aren’t feeling well, when my pet is exhibiting symptoms, I always wonder at what point is a trip to the vet necessary.  Your pet’s symptoms may seem straightforward (if messy), but they could be a sign of something more serious, so you should contact your veterinarian to determine the best course of action.

If your pet is experiencing GI issues, your vet may recommend Royal Canin™’s line of veterinary-exclusive GASTROINTESTINAL™ formulas that provides multiple options for individualized nutritional solutions for both cats and dogs experiencing gastrointestinal issues – a simple solution! Pet owners can ask their veterinarian about Royal Canin’s line of gastrointestinal solutions and visit as a resource on GI issues and more.

You can minimize your pet’s stress by providing a stable living environment and preventing unpleasant interactions and experiences. Despite hectic holiday celebrations, try to keep your pet’s schedule and routine as normal as possible. If you think you may need to board your pet over the holidays, it can be a good idea to do a practice run in advance so they get more used to the situation and become familiar with the routine.

Be sure to keep an eye on those holiday decorations as well! Things like tinsel, pine needles, poinsettias and other holiday plants can create a potentially dangerous situation for your pet. We used to have a cat that would perch on a branch in our Christmas Tree. While it looked cute, I was always worried she would try to eat the needles or the lights! 

Royal Canin’s line of veterinary-exclusive GASTROINTESTINAL™ formulas provide multiple options for individualized nutritional solutions for cats and dogs experiencing gastrointestinal issues

This holiday season; be sure to ask your vet about Royal Canin’s line of veterinary-exclusive gastrointestinal diets. Royal Canin offers multiple options to help veterinarians provide individualized nutritional solutions for pets experiencing gastrointestinal issues. Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday!

For more information on Royal Canin, you can follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook 

catch you soon -

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