
Monday, November 14, 2016

Meal Planning 2016 - Week 46

Weekly Meal Plan: Real Food for Real Families

As each weekend rolls around, I have a vision of a lazy Sunday morning spent on the couch with a cup of coffee, Pinterest and cookbooks, planning out our healthy and well-balanced meals for the week. The reality is closer to a desperate scribble of ideas, random shopping and a frantic push to put it all together in a logical sense to share here. I don't want to scare you, but rather let you know that it's not all roses over here.

Weekly menu planning is an integral part of saving me time, energy and money, but it isn't always easy, fun or effortless. Sometimes it's downright messy. But holding myself accountable, by posting each Monday morning, helps me achieve my goal. What helps you achieve your meal planning goals? 

We have a lot of moving parts this week, with a mixture of after school activities, meetings for mom and a busy work week for dad, including some potential late nights. With all that in mind, here's what we have planned for this week (but I reserve the right to toss my plan in favor of breakfast for dinner!):
Weekly Meal Plan Ideas sharing real food for real families. Save time and money by planning easy menus for your family.

Monday - Homemade Sloppy Joe's and Mac-n-Cheese
Tuesday - Ham, Mashed Potatoes and Peas
Wednesday - Fettuccine with Meatballs and Garlic Bread
Thursday - Chicken Cutlets with leftover Mashed Potatoes and Peas
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday - Mom's at a Retreat so it's boys' night
Sunday -Family Dinner Out

What do you have planned for dinner this week? Share your ideas here in the comments, or join us over on Facebook, to talk all things meal planning!

For more weekly meal plan ideas check out:
Meal Planning 2016 - Week 45
Meal Planning 2016 - Week 44
Meal Planning 2016 - Week 43

Menu Plan Monday - Weekly Meal Plan

catch you soon -
This post is linked up to I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.


  1. Hi Hillary! I hopped on over from MPM :) What helps me make my menu planning goals? Having a schedule! I generally grocery shop on Friday morning, so I clean my kitchen on Thursday. Thursday afternoon finds me at the table with my calendar and cookbooks, where I make up a menu and grocery list. It doesn't usually take very long at all. Later on that evening, I'll go to my stores websites, check out the sale flyers, and add digital coupons to my card.

    Your menu looks great!

  2. I've been writing my meal plan on my home calendar so my teens know what to expect. If I'm unavailable they can make it for me.

  3. Visiting from MPM! Your menu sounds delicious! My family would love sloppy joes with mac n cheese! Thank you for the inspiration! Have a great week!

  4. I guess the family loved the sloppy joes :) I love the chicken cutlet idea, we haven't had that in ages. Thanks for including a O'Boy! recipe xoxoxo
