
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Cold and Flu Season is Coming - 5 Ways to Prepare

5 Ways to Prepare for Cold and Flu Season
Disclosure: I'm proud to be working with CVS Pharmacy on the CVS Pharmacy Difference Campaign. All opinions expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at or with the appropriate manufacturers.
Like it or not, it's here. Cold and flu season is right around the corner.  This is the time of year that I start to think about what changes we need to make to get our family prepared. As a mom, I work hard to reduce our susceptibility to and increase our defense against seasonal colds and flu. I was happy to team up with CVS Pharmacy, which now owns and operates all of the pharmacies inside of Target stores, to share five ways that you can prepare yourself and your family for the upcoming cold and flu season.
Face it, no one wants to have to run out to the store when they aren't feeling good. And as a shopper, I want you to stay home too, rather then spreading your germs around. So that means now is the time to prepare, so you're ready. You may not be able to avoid cold and flu season, but you can be prepared with these 5 Tips:

Boost Up
Better health starts from within. Now is the time to take steps to improve your immunity and keep yourself above the wellness line. Check your supplements, see your doctor and eat your vegetables. Also include door handles, TV remotes and other high-touch areas to your daily cleaning regimen. Looking for the best products for your family? We use the Think Dirty App to find the healthiest products. Many of them are available at our local Target.

Wash Up
Keep your hands clean. It's worth the effort to make this a priority. I "try" to have my kids add a hand-washing to their routine when they get home from school in the Fall and Winter. I also keep bottles of our waterless hand purifier near the doors, in our bags and in the car. Try to encourage your kids to keep their hands away from their face to limit the spread of germs.

Stock Up
Be sure to stock up on supplies BEFORE a cold or the flu hit. Now is the time to add things like tissues, fever reducers and hand soap to your weekly shopping trips. You may also want to pick up a few distractions for your kids, like coloring books or puzzles, to keep on hand if they're home on a sick day. Another good idea is to keep a stash of "sick food" and some easy prep foods, in case you're the one that gets sick. Target is my go-to for all of these things, because I can get them all in one trip, including my favorite brands.

Plan Ahead
Speaking of kids and sick days, now is the time to plan for time off. Do you have sick days available? Does your spouse or partner? What's your tentative plan if someone gets sick? If you're sick, who will pick up the kids? One of the hardest things when my kids were little was getting someone to watch them when they were home sick. One of us always had to take a day from work, to care for them. If you have a sitter or relative or friend near by, they may be able to help out. Taking a few minutes to think about it now, can save you a lot of hassle when you or someone else may not be feeling well.

Get a Flu Shot
According to the CDC, getting an annual flu vaccine is the first and best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu. If a Flu Shot is on your prevention plan, then the CVS Pharmacy at your nearest Target is the place to be. You can stock up on all the supplies mentioned above AND as an incentive,  shoppers will receive a $5 Target gift card when they get a flu shot at the CVS Pharmacy within a Target store. That's a nice perk.

Even though we like to think, "moms don't get sick days," cold and flu season is a real thing that affects thousands of families each year. You can take some small steps now though, to ease your stress and discomfort, should cold or flu hit your house this season. Stay well friends!

What are your favorite tips for keeping well during cold and flu season?

5 Ways to Prepare for Cold and Flu Season with CVS Pharmacy at Target
Want to know more about CVS Pharmacy at your local Target? Check out
Another Reason to Love Target: Convenient CVS Pharmacy
Shop Simpler with CVS Pharmacy at Target and the CVS Mobil App

catch you soon -
This is a sponsored post created in partnership with CVS Pharmacy at Target. As always, all opinions are my very own. 

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