
Monday, September 19, 2016

Meal Planning 2016 - Week 38

Weekly Meal Plan - Real Food for Real Families

Happy Monday Meal Planners! You are a meal planner - aren't you? If not, why not? While I admit that planning meals each week is not my favorite thing to do, it does save me both time and money.

Each Sunday, I set aside some time to plan out our dinner menus for the week. I do this before we hit the store on Sunday, and base much of it off of things we already have on-hand. This week I had to take three evening meetings into account during my planning as well. Busier nights call for meals that require less prep and are easier. While it's a drag on Sundays, throughout the week, I'm always grateful for that time and effort because my weeknights go easier.

Here's what we have planned for this week:

Monday - Sausage, Sweet Potato and Kale Soup, Bread and Salad
Tuesday - Mini Meatloaves, Broccoli
Wednesday - Oven Roasted Shrimp with Pasta
Thursday - It's Back to School Night at the High School, so Quick Dinner it is (maybe Pancakes)
Friday - Homemade Pizza Night
Saturday - Leftover Buffet/YOYO (You're On Your Own)
Sunday - Family Dinner out

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas sharing real food for real families. Save time and money by planning easy menus for your family.

What's for dinner at your house this week? Leave a comment here with your best idea or inspiration for the week, or join us over on Facebook to talk all things meal planning!

For more meal planning ideas and inspiration, check out these menu plans:
Meal Planning 2016 - Week 37
Meal Planning 2016 - Week 36
Meal Planning 2016 - Week 35

Weekly Meal Plan September 19 2016

catch you soon-
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.


  1. Hi Hillary. I found you through the I'm an Organizing Junkie linkup and am now following your FB page. I happen to have shrimp on my menu for Wednesday this week, too! My husband will be out of town and since he doesn't care much for seafood I'm indulging in his absence. Here is the link to my menu this week.
    I'd love to have you pay me a visit. I'll make you a virtual cup of tea. :)

  2. Meal planning before food shopping? Best idea ever.
