
Monday, September 05, 2016

Meal Planning 2016 - Week 36

Weekly Meal Plan: Real Food for Real Families

Well, summer vacation has come to an end around here, and this week, the kids go back to school. I think we are all a little sad to see summer end, but excited at what lies ahead this year. In typical Sunday fashion, I spent part of my day on meal prep for the week. It's always refreshing to me to return to our school year routine and schedule.

When preparing my weekly meal plan, I keep an eye towards making them healthy AND keeping on a budget. It's so easy to let your food bill get out of hand, believe me, I've done it plenty of times. As I work on more and more meal plans, I've gotten better at buying what we actually eat and also not buying too much. Both of those things save me money each week.   

So let's jump back into that school-year schedule! Here's what we have planned for this week:

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas sharing real food for real families. Save time and money by planning easy menus for your family.

Monday - End of Summer Celebration Family Dinner Out
Tuesday - First Day of School Homemade Chicken Fingers, Broccoli and Potatoes
Wednesday - Pasta with Easy Weeknight Bolognese (I need to post that recipe!), Caesar Salad
Thursday - Back to School Night - Quick Dinner
Friday - Homemade Pizza Night
Saturday - Leftover Buffet / YOYO (You're On Your Own)
Sunday - Chicken Quesadillas, Rice and Avocados

What's for dinner at your house this week? Leave a comment here with what's on your meal plan this week, or join us over on Facebook to talk all things meal planning.

Real Food for Real Families - Weekly Meal Plan Ideas and Inspiration

Looking for more meal planning ideas?

Meal Planning 2016 - Week 35
Meal Planning 2016 - Week 34
Meal Planning 2016 - Week 33

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. So wishing I had stolen your end of summer celebration dinner out idea! Hope it was good!
