
Monday, July 18, 2016

Meal Planning - 2016 Week 29

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas and Inspiration for Real Food for Real Families

Monday morning means that it's time for another meal plan. Each Monday, you can join me right here for a week's worth of ideas and inspiration for family dinners. I like to focus on real food for real families. What that means is a minimum of processed or boxed food, with an eye to kid-friendly and easy meals.

Do you ever find your meal plan on repeat? Taco Tuesday anyone? There is nothing wrong with that, especially if you have picky eaters. But as the chief meal planner and meal-maker, I get bored. So then I start to try and find new recipes to try. We try them - some of them are delicious, some not so much. And then one or two weeks later, we're right back to Taco Tuesday, because it's just easier.

How do you break out of a rut? This week, I'm trying out a new menu item and I already know the kids won't love it, in fact, one of my kids won't eat it. But it doesn't stop me from trying. . .because really, you just never know, right??

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas and Inspiration for Real Food for Real Families

Here's what I have planned for this week:

Monday - Grilled Chicken and Asparagus Caprese Salad (trying a new recipe)
Tuesday - Burgers and Dogs on the Grill with Baked Beans
Wednesday - Breakfast for Dinner (Dad's working late!)
Thursday - Oven Roasted Shrimp with Orzo Corn Salad
Friday - Homemade Pizza Night - on the grill with veggies!
Saturday - Leftover Buffet/YOYO (You're On Your Own)
Sunday - Family Dinner Out

What's for dinner at your house? I'd love to hear your ideas, so please drop them in the comments here, or join us over on Facebook for a discussion on meal planning and menu ideas.

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. Breakfast for dinner is a favorite around here, too! Oddly, it's on nights when my husband isn't home. Why do men oppose such a convenient, tasty dinner idea? I love it because I never seem to have the time in the morning to prepare a proper breakfast.
