
Monday, July 11, 2016

Meal Planning - 2016 Week 28

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas and Inspiration

Happy Monday meal planners! The summer is flying by so far, and we still have a TON of things we want to do on our list! This week we have camp and some lacrosse practice for an upcoming tournament. I'm keeping things super easy in my kitchen this week!

Even keeping things easy means a certain amount of prep and planning. The keys to successful meal planning include easy recipes and on-hand ingredients. If a recipe calls for Avocados and you didn't get any at the store, or you ran out, you have a problem on your hands. I put together a tentative plan on Sunday, based on our schedule and what I already have in-house, then I do most of my food shopping. 

Usually it works out just fine, but sometimes there are some hiccups along the way: I missed an item on my list, we aren't in the mood, it's too hot, or something better came along. It's only a plan afterall, and some things get pushed ahead to the next week, or removed completely. It's always a work in progress. Here's our work in progress for this week:

Monday - Grilled Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Zucchini
Tuesday - Waffle Maker Quesadillas
Wednesday - Chicken "Parm" with Pasta
Thursday - Burgers and Dogs on the Grill, Baked Beans
Friday - Homemade Pizza Night
Saturday and Sunday - LAX Tournament - Eating on the Go.

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas sharing real food for real families. Save time and money by planning easy menus for your family.
What's for dinner at your house? I'd love to hear your ideas, so please drop them in the comments here, or join us over on Facebook for a discussion on meal planning and menu ideas.

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas and Inspiration

Still need more ideas and inspiration for your own weekly meal plan? Check out one of these:
Meal Planning - 2016 Week 27
Meal Planning - 2016 Week 26
Meal Planning - 2016 Week 25

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

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