
Monday, May 23, 2016

Meal Planning - 2016 Week 21

Weekly Meal Plan - Real Food for Real Families

Happy Monday my friends! Time for another weekly meal planning post. Each Monday morning, I share my intentions for feeding my family for the week ahead. I get organized on Sundays and plan out a menu of mostly "real food" items. Over time, I've found this approach saves me both time AND money. I hope you take away some ideas and inspiration for your own weekly meal plan.

We have finally wrapped up Lacrosse for the season, and only have a last fun practice night this week. With school sports over and I hope a decline in homework, we are on the slide into summer.  This is my favorite time of the year as I feel as if a large weight has been lifted. Even though I still have plenty of commitments and things to do, it's just seems easier in the summertime. 

With that in mind, I've picked a few new things to try this week, and my family will be surprised (and I hope pleased) at my return to "cooking" rather than our grab and go lifestyle for the last two months.

Here's what I have planned for this week:

Monday -  Trying this Oven Roasted Shrimp recipe from Eat Picks
Tuesday - Last LAX practice, so it's Ribs and Hot Dogs on the Grill
Wednesday - Trying out this yummy pasta recipe also from Eat Picks
Thursday - Flank Steak and Baked Potatoes on the Grill with Broccoli
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday and Sunday - Boys are hitting the NCAA LAX Championships, so we're playing it by ear.

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas sharing real food for real families. Save time and money by planning easy menus for your family.

What are you making for dinner this week? Share your ideas here in the comments, or join us over on Facebook to talk all things meal planning.

Weekly Meal Plan - Real Food for Real Families

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.


  1. Love these healthy meal ideas. I need to change it up!

    1. Thanks! Always looking for new ideas here too! LOL

  2. Thanks for including me in your round up! Twice! :) Flank steak on Thurs sounds delish.

    1. You are welcome! Thanks for providing delicious and yummy recipes and allowing me to share!

  3. I love Eat Picks!! I need to try that shrimp!

    1. Be sure to check out her coming subscription service - Roost Crate - it's like a Farmer's Market in a box!!
