
Monday, May 02, 2016

Meal Planning - 2016 Week 18

Welcome to my weekly meal planning post. Each week I share my intentions for feeding my family for the week ahead. I take time each Sunday, to get organized and plan out a menu of mostly "real food" items, in an attempt for all of us to eat healthier. In the end, when we follow the plan, we do eat healthier and we save money too. I hope you take away some ideas and inspiration for your own weekly meal plan.

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas - Real Food for Real Famiies

Well, we are surviving the spring sports season, and no one is going hungry. We also haven't increased our take-out budget, or resorted to cereal (much!). But I'm not gonna lie - it's a challenge. With a six-year age gap between my kids, they are coming and going at different times to different places, and I am their Uber Car.

For the most part, Owen and I eat on the early side (before sports), and then Ryan and John eat later, when they get home from work and high school sports. Things that can be made earlier in the day, and then heated up, work best on this schedule. Any night we will all be home for dinner, I try to put together something "bigger".

This week's menu is shaping up like this:

Monday - Sausage, Peppers and Onions
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday - Taco Bar with Corn and Guacamole and all the fixins
Wednesday - Spaghetti with Meatballs
Thursday - Homemade Chicken Fingers with Salad and Fruit
Friday - Homemade Pizza Night
Saturday - Family Dinner Out to avoid the Mother's Day Crush
Sunday - Wings and Ribs on the Grill (weather permitting)

The folks from USC (University of Southern California) shared a very interesting infographic with me, related to the psychology of the grocery store. Since shopping for our groceries each week is a big part of our meal planning, I thought you may find it interesting as well:

USC Infographic on the Psychology of Grocery Shopping

Something to think about the next time you're strolling down the aisles . . .right?

What's on your menu for this week? I'd love for you to share your ideas here in the comments, or join the facebook discussion about what we're making for dinner this week.

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas - Real Food for Real Famiies

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more menu planning ideas and inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. We do a quasi taco bar and the girls love it. I just leave everyone on the counter so they don't keep reaching for the cheese!
