
Monday, March 21, 2016

Meal Planning - 2016 Week 12

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas and Inspiration - Real Food for Real Families

Welcome to my weekly meal planning post. Each week I share my intentions for feeding my family for the upcoming week. I take time each Sunday night to get organized and plan out a menu of mostly "real food" items, in an attempt for all of us to eat healthier. In the end, when we follow the plan, we do eat healthier and we save money too. I hope you take away some ideas and inspiration for your own weekly meal plan.

Despite a cruel attempt by Mother Nature to give winter one more hurrah, Spring is here and with it a crazy, busy schedule. We don't encourage our kids to over-schedule themselves, they each play one sport in any given season. They don't take lessons or belong to groups or clubs (my high school freshman is in Youth and Government). But somehow, it still seems an incredible feat of logistical manipulation to fit in practices, games, homework, dinners and downtime for two boys.

I've learned to compromise on family dinners during this time. I try to plan things that I can prepare or even make completely, earlier in the day, and then just toss together when people are ready to eat. For the warmer days ahead, I'm considering preparing protein, grains and vegetables that can be eaten alone or combined into salads or wraps.  It won't take me much time to grill up some chicken and vegetables on a busy night, and everyone can still have a healthy meal.

Here's what we have on this week's meal plan:

Monday - Homemade Chicken Tenders, mashed potatoes, broccoli
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday, Guacamole, Corn
Wednesday - Ribs and Hot Dogs on the Grill, Baked Beans, Salad
Thursday - Roasted Chicken Thighs, Potatoes and Green Beans
Friday - Pizza Night - homemade pizza
Saturday - Leftover Buffet/YOYO (You're On Your Own)
Sunday - Easter Sunday Dinner, including my Pineapple Stuffing recipe

What's on your plan for this week? Please share your ideas and plans here in the comments or over on the Facebook Page. I'm always looking for great ideas to make my own meal planning easier.  

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas and Inspiration - Real Food for Real Families
catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.


  1. I love tacos on Tuesday or any other day of the week. Great menu.

  2. We are in the same boat with sports and school schedule. Spring is my worst season when it comes to meal planning and family dinners. Tonight we ate dinner at 8pm. UGH! I love your idea of making dinner earlier on in the day and also making meals that are easy to warm up or eat on their own when you can't do a family dinner because of schedules.
