
Monday, February 29, 2016

Meal Planning - 2016 Week 9

Weekly Meal Plan - Real Food for Real Families

Welcome to my weekly meal planning post. Each week I share my intentions for feeding my family for the upcoming week. I take time each Sunday night to get organized and plan out a menu of mostly "real food" items, in an attempt for all of us to eat healthier. In the end, when we follow the plan, we do eat healthier and we save money besides. I hope you take away some ideas and inspiration for your own weekly meal plan.

We really enjoyed the Sheet Pan Meal from last week. It was easy to make, easy to clean up and delicious!

Sheet Pan Ranch Chops with Vegetables

This week, I am giving two more a try to keep things easy for myself. It's our school book fair, and that's one thing I always volunteer for, so I'll be spending a lot of time at school this week. That means that I will have less daytime prep time to get meals ready. Sheet pan meals take very little prep, I will just need to remember to defrost the meats and fish.

Here's what we have planned for this week:

Monday - Garlic Roasted Salmon and Brussels Sprouts
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday with Guacamole and Corn
Wednesday - Sausage, Green Beans and Crispy Potatoes
Thursday - Quick Dinner
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday - Leftover Buffet/YOYO (You're On Your Own)
Sunday - Boys Night Out (mom is heading to NYC)

What's on your menu this week? Join me over on Facebook, or in the comments below, and let's share and chat all things meal planning!

Weekly Meal Plan - Real Food for Real Families

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.


  1. sounds yummy! I forget about doing sheet pan meals, so easy!

  2. Darn. Just seeing this now, or I would have rung your doorbell tonight. Salmon and brussel sprouts are two of my faves!

  3. Meal prep is everything, isn't it? Your meals have become a go-to for me, and a quick reminder of meals that I've dropped from my rotation. Thank you. I will be bringing back taco Tuesday.
