
Monday, January 25, 2016

Meal Planning 2016 - Week 4

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas - Real Food for Real Families

Welcome to my weekly meal planning post. Each week I share my intentions for feeding my family for the upcoming week. I take time each Sunday night to plan out a menu of mostly "real food" items, in an attempt for all of us to eat healthier. In the end, when we follow the plan, we do eat healthier and we save money besides. I hope you take away some ideas and inspiration for your own weekly meal plan.

Remember last week when I mentioned that we had our first snowfall of the season? Well that was the warm up for Winter Storm Jonas that dumped more than two feet of snow on us this weekend.  Today is a snow day from school for both my kids, and my nicely orchestrated meal planning schedule is out of whack. Luckily, I keep some ingredients on-hand for a few back-up meals.

So my weekly grocery shopping is pushed back a day, and today, I reach into the pantry and pull something out: Muffin Tin Meatloaves. These mini meatloaves are an easy dinner. Using a basic meatloaf recipe, I separate the mixture into "meatball" sized ball, and press them into muffin cups. I make a little divot in the tops, pour in a little BBQ Sauce, and then top with cheese for the last five minutes of cooking.

So here's what I have on my meal plan for this week:

Monday - Muffin Tin Meatloaves, Mashed Potatoes and Peas
Tuesday - Slow Cooker Honey Parmesan Pot Roast  Rice and Salad
Wednesday - Pan Seared Chicken Thighs, Quinoa and Brussel Sprouts
Thursday - Boys Night - mom has an event to attend
Friday - Homemade Pizza Night
Saturday - Leftover Buffet/YOYO (You're On Your Own)
Sunday - Family Dinner Out

What are you making for dinner this week? Please leave a comment and let me know! Have your own blog with a meal plan? Leave a link and I'll check it out!

You can also join in the weekly meal planning discussion on Facebook.

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas - Real Food for Real Families

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.


  1. We made homemade pizza last night. It's so fun. There were 3 families and I think we made 6 pizzas total. I love that you plan a weekly menu. I need to get in the habit.

  2. That pot roast sounds great. The flavor combo sounds so different!

  3. do you have a recipe for the chicken thighs? My middle son is a huge thigh guy!
