
Monday, January 04, 2016

Meal Planning 2016 - Week 1

Weekly Meal Plan - Real Food for Real Families

Hello meal planners! Welcome back to those of you that joined us in 2015, and if you are new here, welcome as well and I hope you find ideas and inspiration in these weekly posts. Since we are kicking off a new year, let's go over the basics:
  • Each Monday, I share our family's meal plan for the week. On Sunday night, I organize my meal plan, review what I have on hand and make a grocery list. 
  • My typical shopping day is Monday, and I typically hit Trader Joe's for 80% of our groceries. 
  • While I don't always stick to the plan, I like knowing that I have all necessary items on-hand for the items on my plan. 
  • I cook 4-5 times a week, and try to stick to as many real (not overly processed) foods as possible. 
  • I will link to recipes and sources whenever possible.
  • Weekly meal planning is not my favorite activity, but it does save me time AND money.
I'm really looking forward to a new year of sharing meal plans with you. I hope that you will leave comments with your thoughts, a link to your own meal plan post, or even your favorite recipe idea! If Facebook is more your thing, I will try to be better at posting my meal plan to Facebook each Monday as well.

Now, onto the main course, the first meal plan of 2016:

Monday - Sausage, Kale and Sweet Potato Soup, Salad, Rolls
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday - I'm trying a recipe from Tasty, where you put the filling in peppers for the adults
Wednesday -Roast Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Peas
Thursday - Chicken Quesadillas (using leftover roast chicken)
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday - Leftover Buffet
Sunday - Family Dinner Out

What's on your plan this week?

Menu Plan Monday - Weekly Meal Plan Ideas

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie - be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.


  1. I like the idea of Taco Tuesday with peppers. Since I'm doing Whole30, the shells are totally off limits.

    1. I think this recipe has rice in it - but you could easily do it without.

  2. Taco Tuesday with peppers is brilliant! Dumb question, but is your whole family on board? I struggle to eat healthy (for me) with a house of very hungry little men.

    1. The kids will have theirs "traditional" in shells. I hate making different dinners, but I don't mind engineering all the parts a little - LOL

  3. Great plan! Love the taco it similar to stuffed peppers?

    1. It is - very similar - I have to watch the video again, but they add the salsa, black beans, rice and corn to the ground beef/turkey then stuff the peppers and heat through. I will link it if I can find it!

  4. Oh darn! I really should have stopped by for some soup on Monday. Boy, was it cold! Ha Ha!
