
Friday, January 29, 2016

Joy - The Movie, The Company, The Woman

Joy. I had a total love affair with this simple word last year. In fact, it was my One Little Word for 2015, and I found inspiration everywhere I looked. I found a fabulous Essential Oil Blend named Joy, I discovered Joy marquee lights at Target . . .everywhere I looked, there was Joy.

Before 2015 ended, I discovered a different kind of Joy. It was a movie. After a bit, I learned that not only was it a movie, but it was a real-live person. After more time (I'm a slow learner), I discovered that Joy the Movie, was a real person that developed the Miracle Mop. Well hello there small world.

I was invited to a screening of the movie Joy by the Philadelphia Area 20th Century Fox office. Sadly, I had a conflict and I was unable to make the screening. But their PR Rep, so very kindly sent me a pass to see the movie on my own schedule. (really - this was SO nice) So see it I did. Sherry and I took a personal day and headed to a matinee at a local theater. Since both of us are entrepreneurs, we thought this would be a great movie.

The movie is based loosely on the life and rise of inventor and home shopping star, Joy Mangano. Driven to create, but also to take care of those around her, Joy experiences betrayal, treachery, the loss of innocence and the scars of love as she finds the steel and the belief to follow her once-suppressed dreams. The result is an emotional and human comedy about a woman’s rise – navigating the unforgiving world of commerce, the chaos of family and the mysteries of inspiration while finding an unyielding source of happiness.

We were not disappointed.  Jennifer Lawrence gave a stellar performance for sure. My favorite part of the movie is when Joy gets on that HSN stage and sells her mop. But I couldn't stop thinking about the real Joy, behind the movie Joy.

I didn't have long to think about it, because the very next day, a whole Joy section has sprouted up in my local Target. Not only did she have the Miracle Mop, but she has hangers and steamers and more. Then I noticed that my favorite mecca of organization, The Container Store was also featuring these products. WHAT? I could buy them at my local stores??

Then last week, I read an article that a local, Philadelphia PR Firm, Red Tettemer O'Connell + Partners is promoting Joy, the brand behind the movie. And if the commercials and television interivews I've seen are any indication, they are doing a bang-up job.

I am still researching and learning new things about this fascinating story. It will be interesting to see if J-Law can pull off an Oscar win for this role too. And I will be sure to tell you how I like my steamer, once I get my hands on one!

I think this is a draw for business women everywhere. Are you a Joy fan? Did you see the movie? Own the products? Share and tell me everything!!

catch you soon -