
Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Where Will You Give? #GivingTuesday

Why I support the Breastfeeding Resource Center this #GivingTuesday

Today is #GivingTuesday.

What is Giving Tuesday you ask? It's a global day dedicated to giving back. A simple concept to make the world we live in just a little bit better, particularly during this season of giving.

My husband and I try to instill a spirit of giving in our children. It's important to us that they think about the world beyond their own home, and consider that not every person is as fortunate as they are. That's tough for kids, since part of childhood is believing in a perfect world. But their hearts are already so big, that they are often more than willing to donate old toys and books or part of their allowance, to someone that needs it more.

Giving is a part of their lives. Their schools run programs, collecting money or needed items for various local shelters, programs and organizations. They see me donate not only money, but my time, to our parent-teacher organizations, and local causes that I believe in.

One organization that is near and dear to my heart, is The Breastfeeding Resource Center. Located in Abington, PA (and now Bensalem too), the BRC provides breastfeeding support and education to the community, and serves at risk families with their sliding scale system. They are the only organization in our area to offer such a service to disadvantaged families. Breastfeeding should be an option for every mom, and the amazing IBCLCs at the BRC work tirelessly to make that happen.

The BRC runs almost primarily on funding from donors. Every dollar you give, goes right back into the organization, helping moms and babies in our community thrive. Healthy babies, grow up to be healthy children. They teach their children, and the cycle goes on. It's not only an investment in the health and well being of the here and now, but an investment in our community's future.

It’s simple - just find a way for your family, your community, your company or your organization to come together to give something more. Then tell everyone you can about how you are giving, in hopes of inspiring them to do the same.

Where will you give today? Feel free to share your favorite non-profits, cause or charity here so we can all check them out in the spirit of giving.

Thoughts on #GivingTuesday and inspiring your children to give from their hearts

catch you soon -

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