
Monday, November 30, 2015

Menu Plan Monday - 2015 Week 49

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas, Real Food for Real People

Welcome back to another weekly meal planning post. Each Monday, I share my intentions for family dinners for the week. It's not fancy, but for the most part, it's real food for real families. By planning meals each week, we eat healthier and save a little money too.
This week is the beginning of the busiest time of the year. I wrote a post last week with tips for staying organized this month, and one of my secret weapons that I didn't include in that post, is meal planning. Meal planning allows me to spend less time on meal prep, because I have everything on-hand and I know what I'm doing, so then I have more time for other things.

Here's what I have on my meal plan this week:

Monday - Ravioli, Salad and Garlic Bread (we never had this last week, so it gets moved over)
Tuesday - Pan Seared Pork Chops, Broccoli and Rice Pilaf
Wednesday -Defrosted Chili and Cornbread
Thursday - Shrimp and Ribs on the grill, Roasted Potatoes and Vegetables
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday - Family Dinner Out
Sunday - Leftover Buffet / YOYO (You're On Your Own)

What's on your meal plan this week?

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas, Real Food for Real People

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organized Junkie. Be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Yum, shrimp and ribs on the grill?!? I love menu planning too and just shared my menu plan today too. It saves us a ton of money, eating out with 5 of us costs a small fortune for healthy, good choices these days.
