
Friday, October 30, 2015

Milk Jug Monsters

Easy Craft - Make Monsters Out of Milk Jugs

I admit that I have a love affair with crafting supplies. I find it hard to resist a new roll of washi tape, a cute ink stamp or pages of beautiful paper.  But it is also very satisfying to be able to craft something from my stash.

I was recently challenged to come up with some fun (and inexpensive) decor for our school book fair. The theme is monsters, and one of the ideas from Scholastic was for Milk Jug Monsters. With two growing boys in the house, we are never short of empty milk jugs, so I set a couple aside.

Digging into my stash for some fabric, paints, pipe cleaners and paper, I set about creating my own little monsters.

Easy Craft Using Empty Milk Jugs and Craft Supplies

What You Need
  • Empty Milk Jugs (rinse out and dry first)
  • Paint
  • Paper
  • Glue (I used a glue gun)
  • Miscellaneous Odds and Ends like pipe cleaners, buttons, google eyes, faux fur, yarn, etc.
What You Do
  • Paint your milk jugs. 
  • Using what you have on-hand, create your monster's face - add some hair, maybe antenna. You could use paper or buttons for eyes. Make the mouth as scary for goofy as you want. 
This is an easy and fun craft you can do with your kids.  

These little cuties will be making an appearance at our school's Scholastic Book Fair. The Fall theme is Monsters! What you can do with your next milk jug?

Easy Milk Jug Monsters

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Every time I recycle the milk containers, I think to myself what I could do with it. My girls would love this!
