
Monday, October 19, 2015

Menu Plan Monday - 2015 Week 43

Weekly Meal Plan - Real Food for Real Families

Welcome back to another weekly meal planning post. Each Monday, I share my weekly meal plan right here. It's nothing fancy, just my intentions of what to feed my family of four for the week. I plan it out in my momAgenda each Sunday, basing it on what we are in the mood for, what we have on-hand and what our schedule for the week looks like.

Fall is definitely here, in fact, the last two days have given us a glimpse at winter, with temperatures dipping into the freezing range, snow flurries and a layer of morning frost. There is nothing quite like those first cold temperatures to make me start thinking about meals cooked in the oven, pots of bubbling soup, and thick, rich stews.

Here's what's for dinner at our house this week:

Monday - Roast Chicken Pieces, Mashed Potatoes, Peas
Tuesday - Sausage with Roasted Vegetables
Wednesday - Chicken Caesar Salads with Kale (Homemade Chicken Fingers for kids)
Thursday - Rigatoni with Meatballs
Friday - Pizza Night (Mom's out at the BRC Bash Fundraiser)
Saturday - Leftover Buffet
Sunday - Family Dinner Out

What's for dinner at your house this week?

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas - Real Food for Real Families

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie. Be sure to check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

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