
Monday, October 12, 2015

Menu Plan Monday - 2015 Week 42

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas - Real Food for Real Families

Welcome back to another weekly meal plan post. Each Monday, I share my dinner intentions for the week with you. You will find mostly real foods here for real families. We are not gourmets or fast food junkies but rather somewhere in between, and I try to put at least four home-cooked meals on the table each week. My kids are also sort of picky, and my husband and I enjoy good food. It can be a real challenge!

This week, we encounter one of my most difficult challenges, the "just back from being away week." I got in from Atlanta early last evening, and since John doesn't drive, our weekend errand trip didn't happen. Today is also my youngest's birthday, and I need to prep for a family celebration tonight, since I was away! 

Here's where the weekly meal planning really helps. I have 41 weeks I can look back on for easy ideas. Sometimes - I am smart, and make a notation for stuff we really liked (I REALLY need to do that more!) So I am planning to do my usual Trader Joe's run this morning, but it's a hurried meal plan this week, using a lot of what we have on-hand already. And since we meal-plan, I have a fairly well-stocked pantry and even some meats in the freezer.

So here is what I pulled together for dinner this week:

Monday - Mac and Cheese, Applesauce and Broccoli (Birthday Dinner request from Owen)
Tuesday - Shrimp Stir Fry over Rice
Wednesday - Flank Steak, Brussel Sprouts and Baked Potatoes
Thursday - Rigatoni and Meatballs
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday - Dinner with my Parents
Sunday - Leftover Buffet

What's for dinner at your house this week?

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas - Real Food for Real Families

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie. Check it out for even more meal planning ideas and inspiration.


  1. We are keeping it simple this week and doing a few casseroles and the kids favorite...Breakfast for dinner! Happy Birthday to Owen!

  2. Put me down for Tuesday night dinner and I'll come visit (just joking, but the shrimp rice sounds good).

  3. OMG I am so in for tuesday!!
