
Monday, September 28, 2015

Menu Plan Monday - 2015 Week 40

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas and Inspiration - Real Food for Real Families

Summer is officially over and fall is off to it's typically busy start. With two fall birthdays, a family getaway and a work conference for me, coming up, the next few weeks will be hectic. But hectic never prevents me form planning ahead. Weekly meal plans work well during times like this as well.

For instance, I can plan ahead so there will be something in the house to eat when we get home from our family getaway. I can also plan for the days that I will be away for the Type-A Parent Conference, so the boys can eat well while I'm gone (John is a wonderful cook).

This week we have a Birthday Dinner request (my oldest turns 15 today) and we are trying out a new recipe I found on Pinterest. For the Rosemary and Lemon Chicken, if I can find good chicken today at Trader Joe's, I'll just marinate it with a little olive oil, fresh Rosemary from the garden and a few drops of lemon essential oil.

Here's what's on our plan this week:

Monday - Cheeseburgers and Baked Beans, as requested by the Birthday Boy
Tuesday - Rosemary and Lemon Chicken, Quinoa
Wednesday - Roasted Tomato & Basil Shrimp Orzo, Salad
Thursday - Salmon, Roasted Veggies and Rice Pilaf
Friday - Leftover Buffet / YOYO (You're On Your Own)
Saturday - Family Dinner Out
Sunday - Pizza Night

What are you having for dinner this week?

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas and Inspiration - Real Food for Real Families

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie. Check it out for more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

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