
Monday, August 17, 2015

Menu Plan Monday - 2015 Week 34

Welcome back to another weekly meal planning post. Each week I share our (mostly) real food ideas for nightly dinners. Typically, they are simple recipes, requiring no more than 45 minutes to prepare, using ingredients you can find almost anywhere. Some days I link to a recipe, and others it's just a general idea

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas - Real Food for Real Families

I can recall when Family Circle used to print a monthly menu in their magazine each month. I always used to love how the ideas and inspiration was all laid out for you. Even though I'm not sure I would eat half of what was there. You simply had to shop and implement. That's my goal here. I hope that each week, I can inspire you on that night that you just don't know what to make. We've ALL been there. Even with a plan and a pantry full of the right things, there are nights I'm just not feeling it.

But feeling it or not, here's what we have planned this week:

Monday - Chicken Quesadillas (with peppers & onions) , Corn & Orzo Salad (recipe coming)
Tuesday - Grilled Salmon, Brussel Sprouts and Potatoes
Wednesday - Quick Dinner - it's Summer Camp Family Fling
Thursday - Skillet Sausage Pasta, Salad
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday - YOYO (You're On Your Own)/Leftover Buffet
Sunday - BBQ with Friends

There you have it - nothing fancy, most of it is already in my cabinets or will be after my weekly Monday trip to Trader Joe's.

What's on your meal plan this week?

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas - Real Food for Real Families

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie. Be sure to check it out for more ideas and inspiration for planning your own meals.


  1. Your menu sounds delicious. I LOVE your meal idea for Saturday, I need to do something like this at my house to give me a break!

  2. Great plan! Love your YOYO night. We do a leftover night every week which makes it easier for me and cleans out our fridge a little.

  3. I'll have to give that skillet sausage pizza recipe a try!
