
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Book Review - Drawing Conclusions by Deirdre Verne

Drawing Conclusions - Book 1 in the Sketch in Time Mystery Series

This post may contain affiliate links. I am a book lover. While everyone else is binge watching something on Netflix, I am happy to curl up with my iPad and devour the latest mystery by one of my favorite authors.

But not just any book will do - I am particular about what I read. I'm not generally a fan of "chick lit," but every once in a while I'll read a good one that resonates with me. I also don't care for deep, meaning-filled books - it may sound shallow, but I don't read fiction to become a better person.

I tend to stick to mysteries with female lead characters. I read legal thrillers, cozies and suspense mysteries . . . but most of the time, it will be a book by a familiar author, with a character I adore - in other word a series. But all series start somewhere - right?

Drawing Conclusions Book Jacket

The latest series to hit my shelves is A Sketch in Time Mystery Series from Dierdre Verne. I received a copy of her first book, Drawing Conclusions to read and see what I thought. I am always hesitant to accept a book for review, as I am very particular. But the summary overview sounded right up my alley.

Truth be told, the story started off a little shaky for me . . . I was worried I couldn't relate to the dumpster-diving main character, CeCe Prentice. By chapter three, I couldn't put the book down. Not only did Dierdre create likeable (dare I say loveable) characters, she dropped them in an interesting location and filled the plot line with twists and turns to keep you coming back for more. While I may have never gone dumpster diving, nor can I draw worth a darn, I could relate to many of CeCe's traits, and would love to call her a friend.

In addition to great character development, my favorite books, usually have some "real life" interesting aspect to them. Even though a book is fiction, I enjoy some little tidbits that I can take into my own life, and Drawing Conclusions was no different. I found myself Googling genetics and farming throughout the book. I can't wait to see what CeCe and the other inhabitants of Harbor House are up to next! And please - more kisses for CeCe and Frank! 

So if you are looking for a great book to add to your beach bag this summer, I would definitely recommend Drawing Conclusions from Deirdre Verne! And here's a chance to get a FREE COPY for yourself! Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What are you reading this summer?

catch you soon -
I received a copy of the book, Drawing Conclusions, but as always all opinions are my very own.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great book, I need good books for the beach!
