
Friday, May 29, 2015

The Top 5 Excuses Why You Aren't Using Essential Oils

The Top 5 Excuses Why You Aren't Using Essential Oils

You've probably heard some buzz about essential oils. In fact, you've probably heard some of that buzz from me, right here. I gave up my skeptical ways back in September, and I've never looked back. These little bottles and the DIY products you can make with them have been life changing for my family and I.

Inspiring quote for stopping the excuses and getting on board with essential oils

So I'm going to bust your top 5 excuses for not giving essential oils a try.

They Don't Work - Thousands of people would argue with this one. There are thousands of Young Living members around the world. The company has been in business for 20 years. I'm here to tell you that they do in fact, work. Sometimes it takes a little research and a little trial and error. Sometimes you may not see the changes you want to see as quickly as you had hoped. But those things are true for anything, we're not talking miracles - we're talking health.

They Are Too  Expensive - Good health comes with a price. And the "start up" costs may seem large, but as I build my oil collection, I am not buying other things. The Thieves Cleaner for instance, takes the place of multiple cleaners that I no longer need to buy.

I Don't Have Time to Figure Out How to Use Them -  There is a slight learning curve to using essential oils. But there are plenty of quality resources to help you figure it all out. 

Young Living is Just Like Any Other Oil - I did some research and found that Young Living has been around for 20+ years. They own their own farms, and practice this amazing thing called Seed to Seal. In fact, as a member, I just got invited to participate in the Lavender Harvest in Idaho - how cool is THAT?? Young Living believes in quality and purity, in fact Gary Young was committed to providing pure powerful products for every family and lifestyle.

It's a Pyramid Scheme - Here's the deal. Young Living is set up as a Network Marketing Company. That means, instead of advertising, they allow their Wholesale Members to make money from sharing their own experiences with family, friends and the world. 

catch you soon -
Please remember that Essential Oils are not regulated by the FDA, and any information in this post is not meant to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any illness.


  1. So true Hillary! After a year of using the oils, I threw out a LAUNDRY BASKET'S WORTH of medicine, cleaners and beauty products I no longer need. Talk abut simplifying! These oils do so much more than I ever knew!

  2. I love Young Living. I finally became a distributor yesterday. I love your post.
