
Monday, April 13, 2015

Menu Plan Monday - 2015 Week 16

Weekly Meal Plan - Menu Plan with Real Food for Real People

Welcome back to another weekly meal plan. This week, I'm organizing another round of real food ideas for real people.We are in the midst of spring sports season here. This week we have 6 lacrosse practices, 3 lacrosse games, one baseball practice and one baseball game. Everything is spaced out a little this week, but I may still have to make some menu changes.

Throw into this busy mix, a kid that doesn't eat many things, and no meat unless its chicken nuggets, homemade chicken tenders or hot dogs. When I need a quick substitution, I typically turn to scrambled eggs and toast - everyone loves it, it's easy and low-mess. We're not salad eaters, we prefer breads and pasta - but I'm really trying to move away from them so much (you can't tell from the menu below!)

I guess what I'm saying is that I hear your menu planning struggles - I have them too. But each week, I come back here and try to provide some inspiration and ideas for you. This is my real plan - this is what we are really eating this week, not some stylized ideal menu that looks pretty and sounds healthy. We don't need one more place telling us our own efforts aren't good enough. Trust me - they are! 

Here's what we have on our menu for this week:

Monday - Burgers and Dogs on the Grill
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday with Guacamole and Corn ( I recently made my own Taco Seasoning and I will never go back - if I can do it, you can too!)
Wednesday - Easy Italian Chicken Bake
Thursday - Ravioli with Spinach and Olive Oil
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday - Leftover Buffet/YOYO
Sunday - Mozzarella Panini - using this recipe as a guide

What's for dinner at your house this week?

Menu Plan Monday - Weekly Meal Plan

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday. Be sure to check it out for more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

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