
Monday, March 30, 2015

Menu Plan Monday - 2015 Week 14

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas - real food for real people

Welcome back for another week of meal plan ideas. This week ends with Easter and Passover, and many of us have kids home from school on spring break. We are not traveling this year for spring break, so I'm planning an easy menu, using things I have on-hand, to get us through the week.

Here's what we have scheduled for this week:

Monday - Quick Dinner - this is our first night of double LAX practices
Tuesday - Chicken and Tortellini, Salad
Wednesday - Pork Tenderloin, Quinoa, Green Beans
Thursday - Broiled Salmon with leftover Quinoa and Green Beans
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday - Leftover Buffet
Sunday - Easter Dinner, with Pineapple Stuffing

I hope you have a great spring break week, and that your Easter or Passover is a wonderful time spent with family and friends.

Weekly Menu Plan Ideas

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday. Check it out for more meal planning ideas and inspiration.

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