
Monday, March 23, 2015

Menu Plan Monday - 2015 Week 13

Weekly Meal Plan - Real Food for Real People

Welcome back for another weekly meal plan. Each Monday, I share my family's meal plan for the upcoming week. While spring has started, the bad weather (rain and snow) has kept the fields in  poor condition, so spring sports are slow getting started. What does this mean for meal planning? A lot of changing around.

But for me, that's one of the key reasons to take the time each week and plan a menu. It doesn't really matter which night you have the baked chicken (unless you need leftovers for another recipe!) - but it IS important that you have the ingredients you need on-hand, so you don't eat junk or have to make an extra trip to the store.

I always have some fall-back items on hand as well, like eggs and pasta.

Here's what we have planned for this week:

Monday - Roasted Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Peas
Tuesday - Fresh Basil and Navy Bean Soup (using leftover chicken), Bread
Wednesday - Pork Tenderloin with Quinoa and Brussel Sprouts
Thursday - YOYO (Your On Your Own) - Mom has a work event.
Friday - Pizza Night - Homemade Pizzas
Saturday - Leftover Buffet
Sunday - Homemade Cheesesteaks

And there you have it. Another simple, planned menu for a busy week. What is your family having for dinner this week?

Weekly Meal Planning Ideas

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie. Be sure to check it out for additional meal planning ideas and inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Yummy!! Cheesesteaks, I don't think I have ever made those before, sounds good!
