
Monday, November 10, 2014

Menu Plan Monday - 2014 Week 46

Thanks for checking out another weekly meal plan. If this is your first time, this is a weekly post where I share my dinner intentions for the week with the world. I say intentions, because this only my road map - as well all know, life happens, no matter how organized you are.

But each Sunday, I sit down with my Recipes and Food Pinterest Board and my latest magazines, and plan out a weekly menu. I make my grocery lists (typically Trader Joe's and Target for everything) and then we are set for the week.

As needed, I shuffle things around or make changes - but basically this is my plan for the week. Weekends are a bit of a free for all around here - a combination of eating out and leftovers. Everyone deserves a night off - right?

Here's what's on our menu for this week:

Monday - Baked Salmon, Green Beans, Rice and Orzo Pilaf
Tuesday - Ravioli with Sausage and Spinach in a white sauce
Wednesday - Roast Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Peas
Thursday - Corn Chicken Chowder, Salad
Friday - Homemade Pizza
Saturday and Sunday - TBD

What's on your meal plan for this week?

catch you soon -

This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday - check it out for more ideas and inspiration!

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