
Monday, October 06, 2014

Menu Plan Monday - 2014 Week 41

We had a blast of cool fall air this weekend, making me think of casseroles and chili and other cool weather favorites. But for this week, temperatures are back in the 70s, and I'm sticking to basics.

Here's what we have planned for dinner this week:

Monday - Taco Monday (Tuesday is a busy night), Guacamole and Corn
Tuesday - Chicken Nuggets and Fruit (Mom's out)
Wednesday - Sausage and Pasta with butternut squash
Thursday - Salmon, Buttered Noodles and Spinach
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday and Sunday - TBD

What's for dinner at your house this week?

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday


  1. Love your Taco Monday idea! I bet it is a favorite!

  2. Your meal plan this week sounds yummy! We are having salmon one night too. I just might serve it with buttered noodles now that I've read your plan. (I am making a fig sauce to go over the fish. Can't wait!)
