
Monday, September 22, 2014

Menu Plan Monday - 2014 Week 39

When you're in a regular meal planning routine, staying organized and planning meals can be pretty simple (if sometimes uninspired or even down-right boring). But once that routine - at least for me - is broken, all heck breaks loose.

I'm just back from the Type-A Parent Blogger Conference in Atlanta, GA. It's Meal Plan Monday, and I haven't been to a store in over a week and am not planning to go until tomorrow. Tomorrow's trip will only be one of the two regular weekly stops I make for my weekly meals.

So I call this "living off the land". We live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and a greedy groundhog eats any plants we try to plant. . .so we are far from farmers. But for me,"living off the land" is trying to make a meal plan mostly from what I have currently on-hand. That's where I find other blogs and the Meal Plan Monday linkup to be so valuable for ideas.

After raiding the freezer and pantry and making a small produce and meat list, here's what we have on our Menu Plan for this week:

Monday - Pasta
Tuesday - Mini Meatloaves, Broccoli Trees
Wednesday - Flank Steak, Baked Potatoes
Thursday - Salmon, Buttered Noodles, Spinach (we did NOT have this last week)
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday and Sunday - TBD

What are you having for dinner this week?

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie for Meal Plan Monday

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