
Monday, July 21, 2014

Menu Plan Monday (and my 4-Step Process) - 2014 Week 30

Meal planning doesn't have to be difficult. After all this time, I've boiled it down to a basic four-step process:
  1. What's our schedule look like?
  2. What do we have on hand?
  3. What recipes and meal ideas fit our schedule?
  4. What do we still need to round them out?
From steps 1 -3, I pick recipes/dishes and write them in the "Dinner" space on my calendar. From step 4, I make my grocery lists(s). That's really all there is to it. Some weeks I feel more creative, and some  weeks we have very basic, uninspired meals . . .but everyone gets a healthy meal and we don't waste too much food or money. It's not glamorous or perfect - but it works.

This week is pretty basic:

Monday - Grilled Pork Tenderloin, Buttered Noodles, Broccoli
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday, Guacamole, Corn
Wednesday - Boys Night Out
Thursday - Homemade Chicken Tenders for the boys/Chicken Caesar Salads for the adults
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday and Sunday - Burgers and Dogs on the grill, Baked Beans, Potato Salad

What's on your meal plan for this week?

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday


  1. We do tacos almost every Tuesday as well! Menu looks delicious!

    You process is pretty much exactly how I do my menu planning...I find that looking ahead on the calendar and seeing what is going on is so important to successful meal planning!

  2. Looks like our kind of menu! I, too, work my meal plans like you do! Have a great week!
