
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Frozen Chocolate-Covered Bananas

Frozen Chocolate-Covered Bananas

This summer, I have vowed to try and make fun and different snacks for my kids. Getting creative in the kitchen and bringing back some classics. I got an email the other night, and it had chocolate covered bananas pictured in it . . .I thought - YUM!

So I set out to make a batch.

What You Need
3 Bananas (more or less depending on your crowd)
Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips
Popcicle or craft sticks
Coconut, Nuts or Sprinkles (optional)
Knife, Baking Sheet, Parchment Paper

Supplies for Frozen Chcolate-Covered Bananas

What You Do
  • Line your baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Peel your bananas and slice them in half.
  • Gently insert the craft sticks into the round end, pushing about half way in.
Preparing the Bananas for Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas

  • Melt some chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl (I do mine on 30 second intervals).
  • Stir up the melted chocolate to get it nice and smooth.
  • Holding the banana by the stick, drop chocolate over it, covering about 2/3s of the banana.

Preparing the chocolate for Frozen Chocolate-Covered Bananas

  • Lie the chocolate covered banana on your baking sheet.
  • Repeat, melting more chocolate if you run out.
  • If you want, you can sprinkle the covered bananas with shredded coconut, chopped nuts and/or sprinkles. I bet chopped pretzel or peanut butter chips would be yummy too.

Chocolate-Covered Bananas Ready to be Frozen

  • Slide the tray into your freezer to let the chocolate set - about 10 minutes.

Completed Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas

What snacks are you enjoying this summer?

catch you soon -


  1. I love this! I could make with Organic bananas and chocolate too!

  2. Thanks for visiting our blog! I make Frozen bananas ALL the time. Except I cut them up in discs. I put them in the freezer and them pull them out and eat them with a bit of Cool Whip for a snack or I throw them in the Magic Bullet when I am making a smoothie! ~M

    1. That's a GREAT idea - thanks for sharing!!

  3. I don't eat bananas but my daughter would probably LOVE this. Chocolate = yum and happiness! I would just eat that part. ;)
