
Monday, June 16, 2014

Menu Plan Monday - 2014 Week 25

This is it - our last week of school. Thanks to an over-active winter, we had to tack on four days to the end of our school year, so my easy summer living menu plan organization is still a week off. And just to make life more fun - this last week is filled with activities and may just push me over the edge!

What do you find is the biggest stumbling block to menu planning each week?

Here's our meal plan for this week:

Monday - Boys Night Out
Tuesday - Grilled Shrimp with Pasta
Wednesday - Chicken Tenders, Broccoli Couscous
Thursday - Date Night! We're trying Paris in Chestnut Hill.
Friday - Pizza Night
Saturday and Sunday - Camping

What's on your meal plan this week?

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday.

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