
Monday, June 09, 2014

Menu Plan Monday - 2014 Week 24

I'm typically off the Menu Planning grid for the weekends. On our plan, Friday is homemade pizza or take-out night and then Saturday and Sunday dinners are typically leftovers. I figure if I am organizing, planning and preparing dinners Monday through Thursday, we can live it up a little on the weekends.

Well this past weekend, for a campaign I was working on, we made some Shrimp and Beef Kabobs on the grill - they were YUMMY! And we got the kids into the act to build their own Kabobs too. It was a fun and tasty evening in the backyard - complete with some Mojitos for the grown-ups.

This week, we have a plan with some new recipes (Greek Frittata and Sausage and Peppers) and an open and cook (Trader Joe's Nuggets) night too. Tuesday we will be eating ballpark food as my oldest and his Middle School band gets to play the National Anthem for the Reading Phillies' Game.

Here's what's for dinner at our house this week:

Monday - Greek Frittata, Salad, Bread
Tuesday - Phillie's Game
Wednesday - Sausage and Peppers over Pasta
Thursday - Nuggets for the kids - Baseball Night
Friday - Pizza Night (mom's night off)
Saturday and Sunday - TBD

What's on your meal plan this week?

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie for Meal Plan Monday.

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