
Monday, June 30, 2014

Meal Plan Monday - 2014 Week 27

One week into summer vacation, and organizing my meal plans is going well. There's more time to make dinner, with no homework or after-school activities. But we're eating more simply (more salads) and later (no one wants to stop playing). I prep anything I can during the day, so I only have to toss it on the grill or stick it in the oven when we're ready to eat.

On cooler nights, with no bugs, we eat outside on the back patio. Then it's hot and buggy, inside with the AC on. Summer living is easy living.

Here's what I have planned for dinners at our house this week:

Monday - Ribs and Hot Dogs on the grill, Potato Salad, Corn
Tuesday - Pasta and Meatballs
Wednesday - Grilled Pork Tenderloin, Broccoli, Baked Potatoes
Thursday - Pizza Night
Friday - 4th of July BBQ
Saturday - TBD - Leftovers
Sunday - TBD - Leftovers

What's on your meal plan this week?

catch you soon -
This post is linked up at I'm An Organizing Junkie for Meal Plan Monday

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