
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Help Make Kids' Summer Full (#HungerFreeSummer)

Around here, summer is in full swing. My kids are off to camp each day with a lunch packed with love. They get to swim, participate in sports and activities and make new friends. It fills my heart to see them laughing, happy and full. But I know that many kids, even kids that live in my neighborhood, may not have those luxuries this summer.

Kids on the Beach #HungerFreeSummer

If you read my previous post, then you know I've teamed up with The Motherhood to help spread the word about child hunger this summer and learn how you and I can help in the fight to end childhood hunger. When kids are out of school for the summer, nearly 90 percent have limited or no access to the free or reduced priced meals they receive at school during the school year. This means that children may be at even greater risk for hunger during the summer months.

ConAgra Foods' Hunger-Free Summer initiative with Feeding America has a goal of reaching at least 25 percent more children in need during the summer than before, over the course of five years. The good news, is that they are on-track to exceed that goal. In the four years of Hunger Free Summer, they have increased the number of children reached through the program by 166 percent, and helped expand the number of Feeding America food banks opening summer feeding programs. The bad news, there are still kids that need our help.

I hope that you can join me and my family, along with other bloggers working with The Motherhood,  in the fight to end child hunger and help make kids' summers full.  You can visit our group Pinterest Board to see how we are planning a childlike summer.

What can you do to help?
  • Consider adding a few extras to your shopping cart (know those buy 1 get one free coupons?) and donating them to your local food bank. Or volunteer to help out.  Visit to find a nearby food bank in need of volunteers. My kids and I are planning a shopping trip next week, to fill up a bag of groceries to drop off off at our neighborhood food bank.
  • ConAgra Foods has partnered with Kid President to help spread the message. Simply view, like or share this video to help raise awareness for child hunger this summer.

  • Learn more about the issue of child hunger and how you can help, visit and click on the "tacking action" tab.
I'd love to hear your ideas, or things that are happening in your communities and neighborhoods to help end child hunger.

catch you soon - 
This is a sponsored post with The Motherhood on behalf of ConAgra Foods and Feeding America, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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