
Monday, September 09, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 2013 Week 37

First full week of school here, and the weather feels like summer all over again. I know, it's only September, but I am SO READY for fall.

It's a super busy week for us, with a trip to NYC for me, one Back-to-School Night, and a boys' camping trip . . . so I went easy this week:

Monday - Pork Tenderloin (probably on the grill), buttered noodles, veggie
Tuesday- Taco Tuesday with Guacamole and Corn
Wednesday - Boys' Night Out
Thursday- Chili (defrosted form the freezer) with cornbread
Friday - Camp Food
Saturday & Sunday - TBD

What's on your plan this week?

I'm linking up at I'm an Organizing Junkie, be sure to check it out for more ideas and inspiration or to link up your own plan.

catch you soon -

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