
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Three Tips to Help Your Kids Stay Organized for School

3 Tips to Help Your Kids Stay Organized for School

We all want to be more organized. A simple search on Pinterest, brings up tons of ideas, tips and tricks for keeping ourselves more organized. I have a PinBoard devoted to Organization, and truth be told it's one of my favorites.

But how do we help our kids get and stay organized for the upcoming school year? I have found 3 tips that really help my kids stay on track.

1. Color Code for multiple subject students. My oldest is in Middle School, and when we are purchasing supplies, we set up a color for each subject, and purchase binders, folders and composition books in the appropriate colors (Blue for Math, Red for Social Studies, etc.) This cuts down on the "grabbing the wrong notebook" issue.

2. Student Planners. We are very fortunate in our district, and the school provides each student with a planner. I take time each Sunday to sit down with them for 5 minutes and help them note anything they may need to know: Gym? Bring shoes. Band? Bring Instrument. At the same time, I update my own calendar so I know what they need me to do, as far as pick ups and drop offs.

3. Lunch Menus. My kids do a combination of buying school lunch and bringing lunch from home. I print the monthly lunch menus and post on our refrigerator. On the weekend, we scan ahead to see what days they are bringing lunch. This helps with our grocery shopping as well.

Teaching my kids to be responsible and accountable for their school work, sets a good example and practice field for when they go off to college and the work world.

How do you help your kids stay organized?

catch you soon -


  1. So organized. WOW!!!

  2. Our teachers have gotten good about asking us to purchase different color folders for different subjects- that way everytime they tell the students to get out the red folder for example- they know that it will be math. Is a huge help. And we just got our first assignment notebook--I know it is a learning curve to using it, but hopefully it will be something that helps.

  3. You are so organized person!Every family needs a paper calendar no matter what high-tech scheduling methods they use. It ensures that everyone knows what’s going on so there are no surprises.
