
Friday, August 02, 2013

Rainbow Loom - It's Not Just For Girls

Do you have a Rainbow Loom Bracelet Kit? Fun Loom? Rubber Band Bracelet maker? It's going by a few different names, but the end result is the same: a plastic pegged loom, millions of colored rubber bands and a hook. Fashionable rubber jewelry for boys and girls of all ages.

Kids are showing up at camp (parents and counselors too) with arms full of brightly colored rubber band bracelets. And I'm here to tell you, that my boys are no exception. Now I am no craze-follower, so when I asked them if they wanted one, they were surprised, but readily agreed.

We came home with our shiny new Rainbow Loom Kits, and both kids immediately set up shop to make bracelets.

The kits are recommended for kids 8 and up. Owen (who will be 7 this fall) can do them with help. The steps are pretty simple. You pick some colors for your bracelet. You pick a pattern, which determines how you put the bands on your loom. Then you follow instructions for "looping" the bands to form a bracelet.

The kit comes with all you need to get started. If you want to, and your kids are really into it, you can purchase additional rubber bands. Since I am a bit obsessed with organization, I needed to find a way to store our extra rubber bands. I had some old plastic baby food containers that were my perfect storage solution.

After about six of the single chain style bracelets, the kids discovered YouTube videos with instructions on how to make different style bracelets. The YouTube videos really take this craft to a whole other level. We (yes, I admit to making them too) learned how to make charms, and could even incorporate our glow-in-the-dark bands.

Ryan's favorite is the fishtail pattern. He has plans to make one for all his favorite sports team, using their colors.

What is your go-to craft this summer? If it's a Rainbow Loom Bracelet Kit, leave a comment with your favorite style so we can try it out.

For more Rainbow Loom how-to and ideas, check out Sherry's post over at SuperExhausted.

catch you soon -


  1. These are SO cute, my daughter would LOVE to make some of these (actually I would too lol)

  2. I have the kit and love to make fish tail but I would love to learn more designs

  3. I love the glow in the dark bands. thanks for the great post my son loves to create bracelets.

  4. It's most suitable for girls. It's my opinion. Anyway these are attractive.

  5. He should totally try a starburst, its pretty time consuming ( especially for a 7 year old ), but its worth it at the end. I will post the instructions in a little while. :)

  6. This is not most suitable just for girls. I have 3 boys and they begged me to buy this for them because all of their friends are making them (yes boys). Keeps them occupied for hours so yes, I'm a huge fan! :)

  7. That is very nice post thanks for very informative post share with us i m very like it rubber bracelets cheap si very useful for my work in post your content are too good i appreciate your post and your words
