
Monday, August 26, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 2013 Week 35

This is it. . .our last week of summer vacation. And I must confess to you loyal menu plan readers . . . this week is "the little plan that can". It seems as if I have been playing it loose all summer, but thinking up a plan, writing it down and shopping for it, saves me time, money and aggravation. So it's worth it.

This week, it's short, sweet and up for revisions.

Monday - Tortellini with garlic bread and salad
Tuesday - Hittin the beach
Wednesday - Out with the kiddos
Thursday - Mini Meatloaves, broccoli
Friday - Homemade Pizza
Saturday & Sunday -TBD

Next week starts with a Holiday and then back to school for us. I intend to spend some time sketching out a plan for September, and firming up a plan for next week. I am pinning lots of potential recipes to my Pinterest Board, including crockpot and one-pot meals. What's your favorite busy-night meal?

As always, I'm linked up over at I'm An Organizing Junkie - for even more ideas and inspiration!

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. Great looking menu! Stopping by from Menu Plan Monday. Have a nice week!
