Are your kids are already back to school? Mine don't start school until after Labor Day, so we have a little summer left.
But if you have any type-A tendencies as I do, you are starting to stress over all the things that have to "get done" before the first day: (or if you've had your first day - what you are already "behind" on)
- School Supplies
- New Clothes
- New Shoes
- Lunchbags and Backpacks
- Bedtime Routines
- Summer Packets
All of that is enough to give anyone a headache! In fact, according to a recent survey by the makers of Excedrin®, more than one-third of parents * cite getting themselves (41%) and their children (43%) back on schedule at the top of the list of things that might cause their headaches during the back to school season.

To enter the "Help Your School Excel with Excedrin" sweepsteaks and have the chance to be one of 5 lucky winners, simply visit
Back-to-School Giveaway for Readers of my scraps
Here is a special giveaway just for my scraps readers! The makers of Excedrin® are offering one lucky reader the chance to win a back-to-school pack that will help you stay organized, hydrated and headache-free. Just leave a comment, telling me one thing that might cause a headache during the back-to-school season.
fine print -Giveaway open to Continental US Residents only. Be sure to include a valid email address so I can contact you. Comments close on September 10th at midnight Eastern Daylight Time. Winner will be selected using from all valid entries. Winner must reply within 48 hours of notification or another winner will be selected using the same methods.
catch you soon -
*Parents that can name at least one thing that might cause a headache during the back to school season.
Disclosure - I am an Excedrin® Extra Strength Ambassador, and I was compensated for my time in preparing this post. I truly do suffer from headaches and Excedrin is my "go-to" remedy. All opinions are, as always, my very own.
I NEED to win this!! Excedrin is my lifesaver go to migraine med!!
ReplyDeleteHeadaches during BTS season would be finding the right character backpack!!
Finishing the start to school list they need gives me a headache at times finding all the supplies the teacher requested for is like a scavenger hunt
ReplyDeleteGetting all the permission slips and paperwork done gives me a headache! Plus the teacher supply list is extra long this year!
ReplyDeleteteachers that send a list home almost daily of extra stuff your child needs for class and its never the same stuff twice so you can't even stock up and save.
ReplyDeleteJust one!? BTS paperwork, shopping, doctor appointments, new teachers....need I go on?
ReplyDeleteThe concept that my new Kindergarten student will have homework and an intensive curriculum. I am completely stressed and school doesn't start for a week!
ReplyDeleteSchool is tough in our house with a child who has ADD and dysgraphia. She's fabulous though, in the National Honor Society and starting college now as a junior in high school, but it kills me to see how much she has to do to tame her learning challenges to get those grades. Bring on the Excedrin for both of us!
ReplyDeleteMaking sure that you have all of the school supplies needed can give you a headache.
ReplyDeleteShopping for school supplies! Major headache.
ReplyDeletejenileewhisler(at) yahoo (dot) com
back to school traffic!!!
ReplyDeleteBack to school shopping with my picky daughter
ReplyDeleteI get allergy headaches.
ReplyDeleteBack to school shopping for all my school kiddos.
ReplyDeletekids getting sick already
ReplyDeletegetting everyone in bed early. thanks
ReplyDeleteAll the different personalities at my son's new school.
ReplyDeleteI always get a migraine if I get too busy to eat, and skip a meal.
ReplyDeleteExcedrin has been my lifesaver for several years now. After trying several Rx meds that didn't work, Excedrin Migraine was the only one that did! I love Excedrin and tell everyone about it!!
ReplyDeleteOne thing that causes headaches during back to school time for me is trying to get soooo much done in a such little time. Shopping for clothes, the never ending supply list, getting everything ready, dealing with the kids not wanting to go back to school, etc, the list goes on! Excedrin saves my sanity!
savvylissa (at) gmail dot come
The extra stress in the mornings!
ReplyDeleteToo much reading can cause a back-to-school headache.
Getting the kids to do homework!!
ReplyDeleteDaughter is at first year of college away from home - lots of stress headaches!!
ReplyDeletehiwendyhi at yahoo dot com
Forgetting something the day school starts or not having enough supplies. That can be a real headache.
Math Homework! I hate Math. It really hurts my brain :(
ReplyDeleteGetting the kids out of bed, dressed and to the bus stop on time
ReplyDeleteDiane Baum
Getting back on a sleep schedule
ReplyDeleteMy biggest headache is homework, my son just does not like homework
ReplyDeleteArranging transportation to and from school and all of the activities.
ReplyDeleteI headaches causer for me is getting all their supplies together on time for school!
ReplyDeleteRushed mornings start of my day with a headache.
ReplyDeleteRushing in the morning
Homework struggles will definitely cause a headache! calvad at aol dot com
ReplyDeleteFinding everything on my daughters list gives me a headache. There is usually always at least one thing that I can not find!
ReplyDeleteHOMEWORK. Not to mean to yell but hours of homework give me and the kids headaches.
ReplyDeleteTrying to get my 3 school age children all fed and ready for the bus in the mornings gives me a headache some days.
ReplyDeletelisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Homework for my kindergartener. She is so exhausted after a long day of school and trying to adjust to a new schedule.
ReplyDeleteb dot ringer at Hotmail dot com
When my 9 year old forgets to bring home his lunchbox or other things at school. wilcarvic
The one thing that will give me a headaches is if my daughter asks me for help in Science. I am awful at it and I have a feeling that she might think I am kind of stupid when she finds out just how bad I am at it!
ReplyDeleteLaurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
Stress is a contributing factor of my headaches. And when you have to scramble around a store filled with other kids and moms who are frantic to buy last minute school supplies.....makes my head hurt!!!
ReplyDeletefilling out all the paperwork that comes home on the first day of school
Homework is a headache creator.
I would always get a headache when my boys come home from school all excited from school all of them wanting to talk at the same time, fun but still enough for a headache after the quite day.
ReplyDeleteHomework causes a headache sometimes when we are running out of time and have a lot to get done.
ReplyDeletesusansmoaks at gmail dot com
my daughter gets stress headaches when she doesnt wear her glasses
ReplyDeleteWhen i was in school it was the lack of sleep and the flouresent lights that gave me headaches!!
ReplyDeleteamandajoyrauch at
Finding a new schedule for all the kids ages 2-16, this will bring on headaches.
ReplyDeleteAdjusting to a new schedule gives me a headache!
i would have to say all the paper work and adjusting to a new schedule
ReplyDeleteMaking sure all the kids have all their school supplies together for the first day and didn't take something out and leave it at home wilcarvic
Homework is what gives me the headaches
ReplyDeleteDoing homework on a really hot day.
ReplyDeletehelping with homework.
ReplyDeleteLast minute shopping for supplies that I have forgotten to get always does it to me
ReplyDeleteAll of the teachers meetings and trying to make deadlines
ReplyDeleteclothes shopping
ReplyDeleteLast minute school projects!
ReplyDeleteThe headaches come with having to get up earlier and with having too much homework to handle.
ReplyDeletegetting school supplies are always a headache and getting back into to the habit of getting up super early does it too
I think getting back into doing homework and a schedule can be a headache sometimes.Getting up early is never fun.LOL!! Thank you :)
ReplyDeletesue-hull64 at comcast dot net