
Monday, July 29, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 2013 Week 31

So here's an interesting conundrum . . .the heating element in our oven went kaput over the weekend, and we are in need of a new one (I think replacing the entire stove and oven - woo hoo). In the meantime, no oven cooking involved in this week's meal plan, just to be on the safe side.

Monday - Grilled Salmon Kabobs with salad
Tuesday - Grilled Flank Steak and Caprese Salad
Wednesday - Mandarin Chicken Pasta Salad
Thursday -Grilled Shrimp Caesar Salad
Friday - Picnic Dinner to go for the Ella's Retreat Benefit Concert
Saturday & Sunday - Clean out the fridge

What's your "Plan B" when there's a kitchen issue and your regular method of cooking isn't available? Do you plan ahead for a power outage, appliance snafu or other "surprise"?

I'm linked up at I'm an Organizing Junkie - a great place for more ideas and inspiration, as well as to link up your own weekly meal plan.

catch you soon -

1 comment:

  1. I never plan for things like this, so I would probably be in trouble! You menu looks really good though, luckily its grilling season!
