
Monday, July 15, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 2013 Week 29

Here I sit, once again uninspired, and facing a week of 90+ degree heat. This seems to be my summer mode, so thank heavens there is so much fresh food to choose from to keep things interesting. I got three of the most beautiful Jersey Peaches this weekend.

Also, I am "re-thinking" the dinner plate. . .considering more plates of a variety of on-hand things as an option, rather than cooking a meat/main and 1-2 sides each night.

Do you have a standard looking dinner plate? Meat, starch, veggie? I'm always on the hunt for ideas to use more of what we have and get my kids to try different things. Who doesn't love a challenge?

Monday - Grilled Fish in Foil (depending on what looks good at Trader Joe's), salad and zucchini
Tuesday - Pork Tenderloin on the grill, spinach
Wednesday - Grilled Chicken Caesar Salads
Thursday - Flank Steak, Caprese Salad
Friday - Pizza on the grill
Saturday and Sunday - Clean out the fridge.

I'm linking up with I'm an Organizing Junkie. Check it out for additional inspiration and ideas or to link up your own Meal Plan.

catch you soon -

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