
Friday, July 12, 2013

7 Tips for Back-to-School Shopping

Yes, I realize that it's still summer, however if you have been in a store recently, you have seen that it is also time to get ready for Back-to-School. Yes. . .they are going back. I must confess, that I LOVE Back-to-School shopping. . .clothes, supplies, shoes. . .love it.

Shopping for your kids going back to school
Today, to help you get prepared and hopefully save a little money, I am sharing my Top 7 Tips to get you ready for Back-to-School shopping for your kids.

1. Measure your kids. Most likely, they grew over the summer. Take some measurements, try on last year's pants and determine what their current sizes are.

2. Clean out drawers and closets. Once you know what size your kids are, you know what fall/winter clothes will no longer fit. Pack them up to hand-down, donate or consign.

3. Take out anything you bought at last year's end of season sales. If you are like me, you forget about them. Time to go through the long-sleeved t-shirts, sweat pants and jeans you bought at the beginning of Spring from all those great clearance sales.

4. Assess your needs. After clearing out the stuff that doesn't fit, and seeing what you already have, it's easier to see what you need.

5. Make a list. Let me say that again, Make a list. Put it in your phone, so it's always with you for those pre-season sales that will be starting soon.

6. Look through current styles with your kids. Take out a catalog, or browse some sites online to get a feel for the styles and colors your kids are "in to" right now. It will make it possible to make purchases without them being with you with a higher rate of success.

7. Keep your climate in mind.  Don't be tempted by all the fall layouts of sweaters, and seven layers. To save some money, if it will be warm until late fall in your area, stock up on Polo Shirts and Ts - they are on sale right now, and your child can hopefully pull them back out when Springtime comes.

What do you do to get yourself ready for Back-to-School shopping?

catch you soon -
This post is linked up to A Life In Balance for Motivational Monday.


  1. Great tips! I just made a massive list of stuff that we need for back to school. I can't believe its this time of year already.

  2. And the important thing is shopping is making a list of products that you can buy online easily and in less time.
    daily deals
