
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top-Ten Takeaways from Type-A

This past weekend, I got to spend time with some of my favorite people, in a beautiful location AND learn something. Not a bad way to spend time - right? In 20+ years of working, I have rarely said that about a professional development conference, but I can say it confidently in regards to the Type-A-Parent Conference series.

Blogging Conferences can be fun and educational!

Last year, I attended a weekend conference (The Type-A-Parent Conference) in Charlotte. It was wonderful, packed full of super-smart presenters and attendees. This year, Kelby (the founder of Type-A) introduced two 1-day Advanced Conferences. The first one was in Philadelphia, and focused on "Profit".

Kelby and Melanie worked to create a diverse assortment of sessions, arranged into three major tracks: Profit, Adept and Expert Table Discussions. The atmosphere was professional, yet casual at the same time. Questions were welcome and discussions were happening EVERYWHERE.

I attended sessions on Bloggers, Brand and Pay, Monetizing Video and Online Streaming, Freelancing Writing, Community Management and Writing Sponsored Posts. I feel like I learned a lot to improve what I'm already doing, and also plenty of new things to try.

Here are my Top Ten Take-Aways from Type-A:
  1. Spending time with other people in your industry, WILL inspire your creativity.
  2. You can not over-disclose. Think about your disclosure when you craft your copy, it needs to flow through ALL your social media channels.
  3. It all starts with relationships - network, network, network.
  4. Cute shoes (or scarf, or jewelry, etc) makes a great ice-breaker.
  5. Be willing to invest in the brands that you want to invest in you.
  6. Don't forget your offline influence.
  7. Think about your end goal when you write a post (engagement, traffic, etc).
  8. Professionalism matters.
  9. Change is okay, it can mean growth.
  10. Don't over-compare yourself to other people - run your own race.
What's the last great conference you went to and your number 1 Take-Away?

catch you soon - 


  1. Now I'm definitely thinking I should attend. What a great promo and opportunity to network!

  2. Jeannette - this is my second one - and they are just a VERY well run series - full of greatness and little drama. And if I already "knew" something - I came away with more or a different angle on it.


  3. Thanks for sharing! I just made myself a list of things to pay attention to from your top tens!

  4. That's a great top 10! Many of the same take-aways I had!

  5. I am glad you had a really great time. That is awesome!

  6. Wow, sounds like an excellent time! Wish I could have made it, maybe next one :)

  7. It was really a great time!! Wish I could have seen more of you tho! :-)

  8. Great post! Thanks for all the helpful tips :)

  9. Great take-aways! I had a wonderful time at the conference and totally agree with you that there are always other angles to learn on each and every topic!

  10. thanks for sharing about Type A, I hope to go someday! It sounds like a wonderful conference and of course lovely ladies!
    great tips, and ideas to put into action.

  11. The ice breaker is so true. I can't tell you how many times I started a conversation on Saturday without even realizing it by complimenting someone's necklace or shoes.

  12. Such great information for those of us who didn't get to attend. Hopefully I'll be complimenting everyone's shoes next year!

  13. Everyone I talked to shared your opinion that it was a really good conferencce. That is a nice thing to know as people plan for future conferences.

  14. I wish I was there. Love Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love...

  15. Great takeaways! I was excited to get my first small taste of Type A, I definitely hope to attend future conferences because this was top notch.

  16. Great tips that you gained from the conference. It also sounds like you had some fun while you were there too.

    I loved the one suggestion about the shoes and it being an ice breaker.

  17. Great seeing you there! I really enjoyed it too. Love the last note about running your own race! So true!
