
Monday, April 08, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 2013 Week 15

This week the weather looks like it's going into the 70s a few times, so it appears Spring has finally sprung. I pulled out some old cook books this weekend to help with my meal planning, in hope of inspiring some ideas for new meals and/or new preparation techniques. I'd like to add some new sides to simple grilled meats and salads for the warmer weather to come.

I am also testing out a smoothie this week, for myself, in the hopes of getting better at having breakfast. . .so I will let you know how that works out.

Here's what our plan for this week looks like:

Monday - Mini Meatloaves (didn't end up making these last week)
Tuesday - Shrimp - not sure how I'm making it yet
Wednesday - Pork Tenderloin - marinating it in a citrus Blend (OJ, Lime and Lemon)
Thursday - Spaghetti and Meatballs
Friday - Homemade Pizza Night
Saturday & Sunday - TBD (Dogs & Burgers on the grill)

Since I'm stuck on my shrimp recipe - what is your favorite shrimp dish?

I'm linking up my meal plan over at I'm An Organized Junkie - check it out for more inspiration or to link up your own meal plan.

catch you soon -

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